Land for Sale - Tract 2 W Hwy 168, Other, GA 00000 - 49.19 acres

Tract 2 W Hwy 168 Other GA 00000

Tract 2 W Hwy 168, Other, GA | Lat/Lng:  31.1564, -83.0353

49.19 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Nestled in the serene beauty of Lanier County, Georgia, this 49.19 acre stunning property epitomizes the epitome of riverside living. With breathtaking Alapaha River frontage, this parcel boasts picturesque vistas and captivating live oak hammocks that gracefully frame the flowing waters.Immersed in natural splendor, the property features untouched hardwood and pine forests, offering an idyllic retreat for outdoor enthusiasts. Whether ...Click to learn more


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Agent: Ryker Carter
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