Land for Sale - TBD, South Branch, MI 48761 - 99.0 acres

Nicely Wooded Parcel With Cabin

TBD, South Branch, MI | Lat/Lng:  44.4986, -83.8440

99 ac.
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The north east lower peninsula of Michigan is often overlooked in comparison to it's north western counterpart. However, in many ways it is much desired for its slower pace, lower population and beautiful country. Lake Huron, the Ausable River and several recreational opportunities are just a few of the many reasons this part of the state is a diamond in the rough. This property is in close proximity to all of these and offers a secluded, yet convenient slice of UP North Michigan for the new owner to enjoy for years to come. A beautifully wooded parcel with established trail systems lead back to a cabin that could be used as a family getaway or even a buddies retreat for hunting camp. This parcel is home to a great population of wildlife including deer, turkey, small game and bear. This is a nice property for someone looking for that UP North Michigan feel. Please don't hesitate to call for your own personal tour. Property Features: - Heavily wooded - Hunting cabin - Great population of deer, turkey, bear, and small game - Close proximity to Ausable River - Established trail system


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