Land for Sale - SSR-AA, MO 65326 - 230.0 acres

Deer Creek Farm 230 Acres Edwards Mo

SSR-AA, MO | Lat/Lng:  38.0769, -93.1146

230 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


What a nice farm here in Benton County off of Hwy AA close to Edwards. This farm has it all and will make you a place to call home and raise some livestock. The land has some nice open fields for grazing or hay production. Plenty of good hardwoods for some great hunting. There are trails through the timber to get around. There should be lots of deer and turkey here. Plenty of water there is 2 live creeks on the property as well as a artisan spring and pond. The home is a older farm house 5 bedroom 1 bath and in pretty good shape. There is also a big equipment building for your tractors and equipment. This area has some big farms and there a lot farming and cattle country here. Only 20 minutes to Lake of the Ozarks or 30 minutes to Truman Lake for your water sports. Warsaw is 30 minutes and Climax Springs is less than 10 minutes away. We are offering this farm in 4 different options , please see other Benton county listings for other options.


BrokerageMissouri Land Company
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Mike Stoner
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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