Land for Sale - OH 260, Caldwell, OH 43724 - 12.11 acres

SR 260 - 12 acres - Noble County

OH 260, Caldwell, OH | Lat/Lng:  39.7212, -81.3595

12.11 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Land for sale in Noble County, Ohio. If you're looking for additional hay ground or pasture, this one may be of interest. Pretty much level ground with great access from SR 260. The property borders Duck Creek, which could provide a nearby water source for livestock. This parcel is almost entirely a flat floodplain agricultural field that has been put up in hay. The seller let the field go fallow for the past couple of years to let it rest and naturalize. The natural regeneration was truly amazing, with lots of native wildflowers in the very first season. This parcel has almost 1/2 mile of road frontage on SR260 and as much stream frontage along East Fork Duck Creek. There is a nice stream coming onto the property from across SR260. It is loaded with wildlife and has created a large gravel bar in Duck Creek, where it comes in. The neighbors state there is a family of river otters that reside around the gravel bar. Access to this parcel is super easy from SR260 from almost anywhere along the frontage. Property features include: 12.11 total acres Mostly open cleared ground Previously used for hay production Mostly level topography 2900+ feet of road frontage on SR 260 Borders east fork of Duck Creek Located in flood plane GPS Coordinates are 39.7228, -81.3588 Mineral rights do not transfer, and annual taxes are approximately $132.54.


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