Land for Sale - N Ash Street, MO 65325 - 0.37 acres

Nice 2 Bedroom 1 Bath on Double Lot in Cole Camp, Mo

N Ash Street, MO | Lat/Lng:  38.4618, -93.2072

0.37 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Not to many houses come available in Cole Camp and this nice 870 Sq Ft will make some one a good home. 2 bedroom and 1 bath. Nice bigger bedrooms and living room is also fairly big. The furnace has been updated and roof is in good shape and isn't that old. Floors are solid and house has some good bones. There is a detached garage with garage door and opener. There is also a garden-shed by the house. Sits on a big double lot with plenty of room for a garden. This would also make a cute little VRBO rental home for this area.


BrokerageMissouri Land Company
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Mike Stoner
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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