Land for Sale - Maries Road 219, MO 65058 - 80.0 acres

Maries County 80

Maries Road 219, MO | Lat/Lng:  38.1870, -92.1387

80 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Recently surveyed, this 80-acre Maries County Missouri property consists of approximately 35 acres of improved pasture, the remainder in hardwood oak timber and cedar glades. Currently used as part of a larger farm for cattle grazing, the property is also home to a good population of Deer and Wild Turkey. You will find many good hidden locations for a food plot. Electricity is readily available on the western edge of the property, just inside the fence line should you want to build a new home or weekend cabin. Located fifty miles from Lake of the Ozarks, forty-two miles from Fort Leonard Wood, and thirty-four miles from Jefferson City. &&


BrokerageMissouri Land Company
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Danny Miller
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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