Land for Sale - Map 10 Lot 11 Campbell Road, Athens, ME 04912 - 11.1 acres

Hunt, Live And Recreate In Athens

Map 10 Lot 11 Campbell Road, Athens, ME | Lat/Lng:  44.9659, -69.6769

11.1 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Equidistant between Bangor, Sugarloaf, Greenville and Augusta lies this small well-managed woodlot with diverse terrain, cover and feed. Potential building site for a home or camp. Permitted driveway installed and a soil test was performed. The property has a seasonal brook, rolling terrain and mixed-age trees. In the northwest corner lies a small wetland further adding to the diversity of this parcel. Game trails bisect the property, suggesting animals are comfortable on the property. Quiet dead-end dirt road just off ME HWY 151, so you have the best of both worlds: peaceful and convenient. Property Features: - Wooded terrain on quiet dead-end road - Permitted driveway installed - Septic Soil test available


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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