Land for Sale - Douds, IA 52551 - 30.0 acres

30+/- acres on hard surface road in Van Buren County

Douds, IA | Lat/Lng:  40.8297, -92.0839

30 ac.
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Small acreage on a hard surface road is highly sought after. This 30 acre M/L property has a lot to offer with 2 open areas with a wooded ridge seperating them. There is access from gravel road on the south side and access from the east off of V64. Multiple building locations to over look the creek would be possible. There will be wildlife travelling through the property frequently also. The property could be set up for a small hobby farm or owners could rent the 13 tillable acres with CSR2 of 60.6 to a local farmer for hay or grain crop production. Located on edge of Douds/Leando 20 minutes from Keosauqua 25 minutes from Fairfield


CountyVan Buren
Property Type OneUndeveloped Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeFarms
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Boley Real Estate
Brokerage Link
Agent: Steve Scheuers
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