Land for Sale - County Road S45, Melcher Dallas, IA 50062 - 172.0 acres

Marion Land For Sale

County Road S45, Melcher Dallas, IA | Lat/Lng:  41.2724, -93.2501

172 ac.
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Peoples Company is honored to present an exceptional farm located just south of Pleasantville in Marion County, Iowa. The farm consists of 172 acres m/l with 60 tillable acres m/l carrying a CSR2 of 60.8. The remaining balance of the property includes various groups of timber, a 2 acre pond, and some pasture and CRP. Currently, 33.07 acres are enrolled in CP23 expiring in 2032 with an annual payment of $7,570 ($228.91/acre). The location, topography, land diversification, and access to utilities make this an excellent building site. Marion Rural Water is located along Highway S45. Primary soil types include Pershing silt loam and Zook silty clay loam. The farm is located in Franklin Township of Marion County, Iowa.


BrokeragePeoples Company
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Bryan Bergdale
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent