Land for Sale - County Road 431, Lot#WP001, Boaz, AL 35957 - 20.0 acres

Farmstead With Fenced Pasture East Of Sardis And Boaz

County Road 431, Lot#WP001, Boaz, AL | Lat/Lng:  34.2055, -86.0997

20 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


You could create the ultimate farmstead near Sardis, Boaz, and Albertville area. This tract of land could be ideal to build a house and have the farm life you have dreamed of for years. It features productive fenced and cross-fenced pastures and is nearly all open in mixed pasture grass. There are several large shade trees up near the center of the property and a small pond in the northwest corner. A long gravel driveway takes you to the middle of the pasture where you could build a home that will have you overlooking the whole place. The farm is located out in the countryside, but convenient to town as well. Please reach out to me, Ben Richardson, the listing agent and I would be glad to discuss more details and show you around. Property Features: - Open pasture, fenced and cross fenced - Homesite potential - Established driveway down the center - Small pond - Close to Sardis, Boaz and Albertville - Views of the countryside


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