Land for Sale - County Road 268 Lot#WP001, Neelyville, MO 63964 - 5.4 acres

All Timber Property With Building And Hunting Opportunity Near Neelyville

County Road 268 Lot#WP001, Neelyville, MO | Lat/Lng:  36.5467, -90.5077

5.4 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This beautiful property is located just south of Neelyville, along county road 268. This property has electric at the road and would be the perfect place to build your dream home. Highway 67 is less than a mile away, providing a conveniently location for all necessities. The property consists of all-timber, making it a great place to hunt or have a way to make some income. If you are looking for a secluded smaller parcel to hunt or build on, with big farm views, then this is a must see! Call Land Specialist Carter Roth today at 573.880.6578 and Land Specialist Jeff Heil at 573.880.6150 to schedule you own private tour. Property Features: - Marketable timber - Electric - Building and hunting opportunity - County road frontage


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
Brokerage Link
Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Jeff Heil
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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