Land for Sale - 61 Rankin Rd., Rimersburg, PA 16248 - 113.0 acres

61 Rankin Rd. - Clarion County - 113 Acres

61 Rankin Rd., Rimersburg, PA | Lat/Lng:  41.0885, -79.4605

113 ac.
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113+/- acre farm located in South-Central Clarion County, PA. This property features a well-kept home and barn, a creek, and a little bit of everything when it comes to the land. Favorable fields to woods ratio, secluded fields, diverse terrain/habitat, loads of deer sign, tillable and pasturable land, shooting stands, a great trail network and free gas. Features of the Property Include: 113 +/- total acres 2 bed/1.5 bath home Barn, carports, sheds, shooting stands Creek Favorable fields to woods ratio Secluded fields Diverse terrain/habitat Great trail network Owner's OGM rights WILL convey Free gas 1:21 to Pittsburgh, 0:49 to Butler, 0:18 to Clarion


Property Type OneFarms
Property Type TwoHunting Land
Property Type ThreeHorse Property
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Pennsylvania Land Professionals
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Agent: Logan Dominick
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