Land for Sale - 45 Cedar Spring Rd, Trout Lake, WA 98650 - 20.0 acres

Cedar Springs Farm

45 Cedar Spring Rd, Trout Lake, WA | Lat/Lng:  45.9398, -121.4780

20 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Welcome to Cedar Springs Farm, a breathtaking 20± acre estate in the heart of Trout Lake, Washington. This extraordinary property offers a rare opportunity to embrace the tranquil beauty of the Pacific Northwest while living a lifestyle rooted in sustainability and self-sufficiency. With unobstructed, protected views of the majestic Mount Adams and over 900± feet of pristine wooded frontage along ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
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Agent: Fay Ranches Broker
Email Land Listing Agent
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