Land for Sale - 328 Brown Acres Road, Des Arc, AR 72040 - 3.5 acres

HOME on Des Arc Bayou

328 Brown Acres Road, Des Arc, AR | Lat/Lng:  35.0022, -91.5170

3.5 ac.
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3.5+- Acres Des Arc Bayou Modular Home with permenent foundation. Extensive Deck, Smoke Shack, Covered Picinic Area, 50x 60 Plumbed/electric Shop, covered Parking for 6 vehicles, Portable 12 x 15 Building. Large irrigated Garden, fenced yard for dogs or chickens, Mother in Law Quarters, Covered porch, Screened porch overlooking Des Arc Bayou. Spacious Modular home with 3 bedrooms and one bonus room. Fishing, boating, White River Access, Duck Hunting, easy access to groceries in Des Arc safe neighborhood this a good place to call yours.


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoResidential Property
Property Type ThreeRiverfront
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Cache River Land & Farm
Brokerage Link
Agent: Eric Camp
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