Land for Sale - 2790 E McHenry Rd., Lot#WP001, Saucier, MS 39574 - 6.1 acres

Multi-Unit House On Acreage Connected To De Soto National Forest

2790 E McHenry Rd., Lot#WP001, Saucier, MS | Lat/Lng:  30.6900, -88.9046

6.1 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


This unique property offers all kinds of possibilities. It could serve as a primary residence, hunting camp, rental property, hurricane retreat, or all of the above! The house itself consists of two separate units, giving the owner a lot of flexibility. The front unit has two bedrooms and one bath. The rear unit consists of three bedrooms and two bathrooms. One of the best qualities of the property is its location. It is a short distance off Highway 15, just North of the Stone/Harrison County line, and just a 20-minute drive to Interstate 10. You feel like you are in the middle of nowhere while not being far from all the amenities of town. The majority of the property consists of mature hardwoods, providing a park-like environment. Toward the back of the property is a clearing that would make a great feeder/food plot location. Crossing the southern property line, you enter the De Soto National Forest, offering virtually unlimited hunting potential. The Red Creek Wildlife Management Area is also approximately half a mile down the road. Property Features: - Home on acreage - Hunting - Deer - Turkey


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Agent: Whitetail Properties
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