Land for Sale - 26 Liberty Ln, Avella, PA 15312 - 48.0 acres

48+/- Acres Avella PA

26 Liberty Ln, Avella, PA | Lat/Lng:  40.2731, -80.4727

48 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


48+/- acres of vacant land in Washington County, Pennsylvania. Located outside of beautiful Avella, Pa., this 48-acre property is waiting for a new owner to take advantage of the abundance of outdoor activities it offers. If you are a hunter and/or investor, then this property is what you have been looking for. This property offers timber, ridge tops, cover, producing hardwoods and excellent road frontage access. Located just an hour from Pittsburgh and approximately 20 minutes from Washington (Interstate 70). With large rubs scattered throughout the property, deer and turkeys throughout, this property is certain to give its new owner a lifetime of quality hunting and memories. Features of this property include: - *Motivated Sellers* - 48+/- acres - Access from Liberty Ln and Independence Rd. - Mature Oak, Cherry, Poplar, etc. - Trails to access via vehicle or atv - Avella Area School District - Topography varies from rolling to steep - Multiple areas to build a home - Public water available and sewage available - latitude 40.273098 , -80.4727266 - Property is entered into Pennsylvania's Clean & Green Tax Program - Current annual taxes are $50+/- - Mineral Rights reserved by seller Property offering seclusion, road frontage, timber and an abundance of wildlife in SW PA doesn't come along often. Mineral Rights reserved by seller. Call today with any questions or if you would like to view the property.


Property Type OneRecreational Land
Property Type TwoTimberland
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Pennsylvania Land Professionals
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