Land for Sale - 20815 NC 125, Lot#WP00B, Williamston, NC 27892 - 3.0 acres

Commercial Grain Elevator Near Williamston

20815 NC 125, Lot#WP00B, Williamston, NC | Lat/Lng:  35.8750, -77.1280

3 ac.
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Conveniently located with valuable roadside frontage on NC HWY 125, the property ensures easy access and excellent visibility. It features an impressive agricultural setup with 9 grain bins offering a substantial total storage capacity of 188,000 bushels. The facility is complemented by a 14,000-bushel wet tank and a state-of-the-art Brock Superb Energy Miser SQ Series Dryer, designed for efficient grain drying. The roadside scale house provides convenient access for weighing trucks with plenty of yard to store their product before offloading. The truck scales are certified each year for current use. There are 3 LP tanks on site to supply the dryer. A large, open-air barn houses spare parts and other necessities in the back of the property. With an established clientele and well-maintained facility, this business will continue to thrive whether you are looking for a new source of income or simply adding additional storage to your current grain operation. Give Raggs Rascoe a call today to schedule an appointment. Property Features: - (9) Grain bins totaling 188,000 bushel capacity - Working scale house and scale - Brock Grain Systems Dryer(990 hrs) to satisfy 14,000 bushel Wet Tank - Reverse entry dump pit for hopper-bottom trailers - LP tanks on site to supply grain dryer


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Agent: Raggs Rascoe
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