Land for Sale - 14656 Hersey Road, Hersey, MI 49639 - 66.73 acres

Beautiful Hobby Farm With River Frontage And Great Work Building

14656 Hersey Road, Hersey, MI | Lat/Lng:  43.8540, -85.3769

66.73 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


Here is a very unique property. Beautiful, efficient, immaculate 5-bedroom home with a very nice detached 2- or three-car garage with a workspace on a very nice parcel of tillable land, timberland, and approximately 850 ft +/- of frontage on the Muskegon River. The ability to farm or cash rent the tillable is a huge plus that can be an additional income stream. The home also features a large finished basement with a separate kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. There is a very nice building located up in the front of the property that has recently been a vinyl window manufacturing facility. This building has an office area, breakroom, large open area and a warehouse area. Commercial-size doors in large open areas allow for easy access to larger equipment. This building and 5 acres can be split from the residence area and sold separately. If you are interested, call me to discuss pricing further. The immaculate building will make a fantastic workspace for automotive or any other business looking for great clean space with excellent access. To be clear, the home, garage, barn, and 61.73 acres can be sold separately. If interested, call me to discuss pricing. Property this diverse and nice does not come to the market often, so call us directly today at 989.600.4112 or 989.859.6926 for a private showing. Property Features: - River Frontage - Tillable Land - Pasture Land - 5 Bedroom 3 Bathroom Home


BrokerageWhitetail Properties
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Land Listing Agent Photo
Agent: Chuck Keefer
Contact Agent:Email Land Listing Agent
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