Land for Sale - 1342 Mcknight Road, Smyrna, SC 29743 - 35.9 acres

+/- 35.90ac - 1342 Mcknight Rd Smyrna SC - York Co

1342 Mcknight Road, Smyrna, SC | Lat/Lng:  35.0312, -81.3860

35.9 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


36+/- Acres of Secluded Wooded Land with Development Potential. This 36+/- acre property zoned AGC offers a perfect blend of privacy and development opportunity, located just minutes from Highway 5 outside Smyrna and York, SC. With approximately 900 feet of road frontage along a state road and high speed internet available, this property is well-suited for several homes or as a private retreat. Surrounded by natural beauty with great hunting, the land features many potential building sites, ideal for your new home or family compound. The existing 1985 singlewide mobile home, with well and septic, can be kept as a guest house, workshop, or used during construction of your custom country estate. Additional storage options include a large outbuilding for your projects and a retired tractor trailer for extra storage space. This property is about 10 minutes from York, 15 miles from I-85 and Blacksburg, 30 minutes from Rock Hill, and only about an hour from Charlotte, NC or Greenville, SC.


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeUndeveloped Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Land and Luxury
Brokerage Link
Agent: Lee Whitley
Email Land Listing Agent
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