Land for Sale - 000 Newland Rd tract 2, Queen City, MO 63561 - 25.0 acres

Newland 25

000 Newland Rd tract 2, Queen City, MO | Lat/Lng:  40.4207, -92.4446

25 ac.
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Final Sale Price: No price given
Listed Price: $150,000
Date Listed: 09/20/2024
This 25-acre property, located near Kirksville, MO, is a versatile and appealing piece of land. With approximately 22 acres of tillable ground, it is well-suited for farming and income production. The property features county road frontage and is conveniently close to electric and public water supplies. The rolling hills are complemented by pockets of timber, a wet-weather creek, and a ...Click to learn more


BrokerageLand Broker Co-op
Agent: Hunter Hindman
Email Land Listing Agent
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