Land for Sale - 000 Cocklebur Road, Ward, AR 72176 - 10.0 acres

10+- Cypress Bayou WMA Edge Tract

000 Cocklebur Road, Ward, AR | Lat/Lng:  35.0179, -91.9110

10 ac.
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10 Hardwood Heavily Wooded acre tract located across the street from Cypress Bayou WMA 2700+ acres of duck, Deer, small game hunting! Ward Arkansas is a few miles away featuring Grocery and access to Highway 167. Ward is experiencing rapid growth over the last decade. All BUT ONE ACRE+- of this property is in THE FLOOD PLAIN. If you would like to build you would need stilts or haul in land fill to bring the home above the floodplain. This is a recreational property with mature hardwoods and flooded green timber at times. Lick Creek and Mill Creek flow through either end of the this property providing ideal forage and cover for a variety of game. The trees on this ground are amazing!! A primary goal of most hunters in Arkansas is to have a small patch of ground located next to or adjoing a large WMA, well this is it. Cypress Bayou has permit draw hunting limiting the number of gun hunters with access this tract gives you regular season access to these animals that the Game and Fish are managing. WMA parking is just down the street or anoth parking area is a few yards up the street off Cocklebur Road or you can add a culvert and dirt fill to build access across the large drainage ditch along the road.


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeUndeveloped Land
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Cache River Land & Farm
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Agent: Eric Camp
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