Land for Sale - 0 Griffin Hill Rd., Monticello, KY 42633 - 21.46 acres

Rural Homestead Monticello, KY

0 Griffin Hill Rd., Monticello, KY | Lat/Lng:  36.7112, -84.7349

21.46 ac.
Main Listing ImageMain Listing Image


If you are in the market for a place to escape the "hustle and bustle" of everyday life, you may have just found the right place. With 21.46 surveyed acres as of November 2023, you have the peace of mind of knowing exactly what you are purchasing, the correct boundary lines, and access to and from the property. In regards to accessing the property, a new gravel driveway has been recently added with the bonus of a gate at the entrance. The property has also been cleared and prepared, saving you time and money so that you can start the process of building upon closing. In addition, there is also a newly constructed shed/outbuilding (approximately 12'x12') which can be used to stay in or keep miscellaneous items. Just a few minutes down the road consists of THOUSANDS OF ACRES of public land where you can enjoy hunting, fishing, hiking, trail riding, and whatever else your heart desires. The nearby public lands includes, Daniel Boone National Forest, Little South Fork State Natural Area, Steele Hollow State Natural Area, Big South Fork National River and Recreational Area, and more as you cross the Tennessee state line. Furthermore, the location of this property is hard to beat, considering you are also just a few minutes away from Dale Hollow Lake, Lake Cumberland, and the Cumberland River. Accessible Utilities: City Water (Monticello Utilities Commision) and South Kentucky RECC Electric If you're interested, give me a call or shoot me a text @ (606)425-1080. You can also contact our office @ (270)524-1980 or my broker, Paul Thomas, @ (270)537-4422


Property Type OneHunting Land
Property Type TwoRecreational Land
Property Type ThreeBusiness Opportunity
BrokerageMossy Oak Properties Hart Realty
Brokerage Link
Agent: Cameron Claunch
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